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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

English Class 6 Lesson 2 The Adventurous Clown Activity task solve

English Class 6 Lesson 2 The Adventurous Clown Activity task solve

English lesson 2 class 6 The Adventurous Clown activity task solve. Class 6 English unit 2 chapter 2 question answer explains. Class 6th English 2nd lesson question-answer clarify. Class 6 English chapter 2 question answer. WBBSE board exam class 6 English chapter 2 question answer 2021.

Activity 1

Rearrangethe followingsentences in the correct order and put the number in the given boxes. One is done for you:( নিচে দেওয়া বাকিগুলিকে সঠিক নির্দেশমতো সাজাও এবং পাশের বাক্সে সেগুলির নম্বর বসাও। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল ):
(i) Tuffy jumped at reins.    [4]
    ( টাফি লাফিয়ে উঠল। )
(ii) The toy clown wanted to be a hero.    [1]
    ( খেলনা জোকারটি বীর হতে চেয়েছিল। )
(iii) The farmer was terribly angry.    [6]
    (কৃষকটি খুব রেগেগিয়েছিল। )
(iv) There was a grand race between two wooden horses and carts driven by wooden farmers.    [3]
    ( সেখানে কাঠের কৃষক দ্বারা চালিত কাঠের তৈরী ঘোড়ার গাড়ি এবং গরুর গাড়ির মধ্যে প্রতিযোগিতা চলছিল। )
(v) He found the little corner of the toy shelf to be dull.    [2]
    ( সে দেখল খেলনা দোকানের তাকের কোনটি একঘেয়ে। )
(vi) The cart turned over.    [5]
    ( গরুর গাড়িটি উল্টে গেল। )

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks withwords followed in the Help Box. There is one extra word: ( Help Box এ  দেওয়া শব্দগুলি দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো। এখানে একটি অতিরিক্ত শব্দ দেওয়া রয়েছে ):
শূন্যস্থানটি পূরণ করার আগে আমরা Help Box এর শব্দগুলির অর্থ জেনে নিব। শব্দগুলির অর্থ হল -
toyshop - খেলনার দোকান , noble - মহৎ ,  grumbled - একঘেয়ে/চিড়চিড়ে স্বভাবের, exciting - উত্তেজক / উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, dull - বোকা 
Tuffy, the toy clown lived in a  toyshop. He wished todo something noble, Timothy, felt that the clown always grumbled. But Tuffy thoughtthat the adventures were always exciting.

 Help Box  :- exciting, grumbled, noble, toyshop, dull

Activity 3

Answer the followingquestion: ( নিচের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও ):

"Adventures are always exciting"- Why doyou think Tuffy said so ?
( দুঃসাহসিক কাজ সবসময় উত্তেজনাপূর্ন "- টাফি কেন একথা বলেছিল বলে তোমার মনে হয় ?)
Ans:- Tuffy believed life is meaningless without action. Hefelt the lifeon the shelf was very dull. There was no enjoyment. So, he said that adventures are always exciting.

Activity 4

Write 'T' for true and 'F' for falsestatements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers: ( সত্য বিবৃতিটির পাশে 'T' এবং মিথ্যা বিবৃতিটির পাশে 'F' লেখ। তোমার উত্তরের স্বপক্ষে একটি supporting statements লেখ। ):

(a) The farmer called the toy clown silly.    [ T ]
S.S :- The farmer shouted, "Now the other horse and cart will win! You silly, little clown.
(b) Tuffy threw all thewater at the farmer.    [ F
S.S :- Tuffy threw all the water in at the window.
(c) The sailor doll couldnot cook in peace.    [ T ]
S.S :- The sailor doll said, "Can't I cook in peace without you coming and throwing water at me?".
(d) Three goldfish were swimming in a bigbowl of water. [ F ]
S.S :- In it were swimmingtwo fine goldfish.

Activity 5

Answer the following questions:( নিচের প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও ):
(a) What did Tuffy dowhen hegot upset?
Ans:- When Tuffy got upset, He ran out and sat down in a toy farm wiping his tears.
(b) how did the toy clown putout the fire?
Ans:- The toy clown put out the fire by throwing all the water in at the window.
(c) Why was the sailor doll angry?
Ans:- Tuffy was disturbing the sailor doll by throwing water when he was making porridge.
(d) What real adventuredid Tuffyfinds at last?
Ans:- To rescue a small doll from a big bowl of water was a real adventure found by Tuffy at last.

Activity 6

Till in the chart with information from the text: ( পাঠ  থেকে তথ্য চার্টটিকে পূরণ করো ): 

Cause Effect
(a) She slipped out and fell on to the table banging her head The little dol began to cry.
(b) The little doll complained to the policeman about Tuffy The policeman locked Tuffy in a room in the police station.
(c)Timothy dropped the key to the floor of the room Tuffy unlocked the door and ran off together from there.
(d) He realized thatthe shelf he lived on was peaceful. Tuffy decides neverto leave the toy shelf again.

Activity 7

Answer the followingquestions incomplete sentences: ( সম্পূর্ণ বাক্যে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও ):
(a) Why did Tuffy putthe little net in thewater?
Ans:- Tuffy put0the little net in the waterto rescue the little doll.
(b) Whatmade thelittle doll thinksthat Tuffy wasn't a hero?
Ans:- Because Tuffy spoiled the fun of the little doll, So she thought that Tuffy was not a hero.
(c) How was Tuffyreleased from the police০station?
Ans:- Timothy threw the key of the door of the room at Tuffy and He frees himself with it. In thisway, he was releasedfrom the police station.
(d) Why did Timothy blush?
Ans:- As Timothy was called hero by Tuffy, he blushed.

Activity 8

Fill in the gaps with the correctform of the given verbs in the brackets: ( বন্ধনীর মধ্যে দেওয়া ক্রিয়াপদগুলির সঠিক রূপ দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো ):
(a) ______ your work now. (do)
Ans:-  Do your work now.
(b) The door ______ opened. (be)
Ans:- The door was opened.
(c) Usually, Pulak ______ his work well. (do)
Ans:- Usually, Pulak does his work well.
(d) I _______ working. (be)
Ans:- I am working.

Activity 9

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words: ( নিচের শব্ধগুলি দিয়ে তোমার নিজের মতে অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য গঠন করো ):

(i) Fiercely ( প্রচন্ডভাবে ) : The policeman has beaten the thief fiercely.
(ii) Bump ( ফোলা )         : Rahim hit my head and make a bump.
(iii) Drowning ( ডুবন্ত )    : He saved the boy from drowning in the river.
(iv) Nasty ( নোংরা )        : Your handwriting is very nasty.

Activity 10 (a)

Write a paragraph inabout sixtywords on 'A boat journey' using the following hints: ( ৬০ শব্দে "একটি নৌকা ভ্ৰমণ " সম্পর্কে একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখ। নিচের তথ্যগুলি ব্যবহার করে ):
Ans:- It was a moonlit night. I and my three friends werereturning home to my elder sister's house on a boat. The rippling waterof the river was reflected in themoonlit night. The dark forest on either side was mysterious. We could see lightsdotted on either side from a distant village. Our journey byboat was really exciting and thrilling. We shall neverforget such an experience.

Activity 10(b)

Suppose you spent anight with Tuffyin the toyshop. Write a shortparagraph in about sixtywords describingyour experience. ( ধরো তুমি একটি খেলনা দোকানে রাত্রি অতিবাহিত করলে। এখন তোমার অভিজ্ঞতা বর্ণনা করে ৬০ টি শব্দে একটি ছোটো অনুচ্ছেদ লেখ ):

Ans:- Last night I had a lot of fun with Tuffy in the toy shop. Bothof us decorated theshop with flowers and balloons. I put on a nice dress. I played ludo and chess with Tuffy. In chess, I won. But in ludo, Tuffy won. I told him an interesting story. We ate supper together. Then we went to sleep around midnight.

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