
Friday, December 16, 2022

Report Writing Format - Report Writing Format Class 10,11,12

Are you looking for tips on how to write a report? Whether it’s a school report, a work report, or even a business report, there are some key things to remember. Follow our simple guide and you’ll have your report written in no time!

Report writing format

Report Writing Format

What is Report?

A report is a succinct description of an already-completed event. The report assists in documenting significant daily occurrences. It makes an effort to convey details from the scene of an occurrence or event. A report of an incident provides a timeline of what happened. One's thoughts, opinions, and perceptions regarding the event are included in a report of the event.

Report Writing Format- rules of writing a report

There are a few different report-writing formats that you can use, but the most common one is the IMRAD format. This stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Let's take a look at each section in more detail.

  • The introduction should give a brief overview of the report. It should state the purpose of the report and provide any background information that is necessary.

  • The methods section should describe how the report was written. This includes information on the research that was conducted and the data that was used.
  • The results section should present the findings of the report. This includes any data that was collected and any analysis that was done.
  • The discussion section should interpret the results of the report. This includes discussing the implications of the findings and making recommendations for future action.

How to write any type of Report Writing?

Writing a report is a formal way to describe any incident that has already occurred. Newspaper and magazine reports are the two forms of reports that are typically taught in classes IX and X.

Before you even start writing, it’s important to understand what the purpose of the report is. What are you trying to achieve? Once you know this, you can start to gather the information you need. This might include interviewing people, conducting research, or analyzing data.

Once you have all the information you need, it’s time to start putting it into a structure. Most reports follow a similar format, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion. But it’s important to make sure your report is easy to read and understand. Use headings and subheadings to break up the text, and try to use simple language.


#1 Report writing format sample - Accidental Report Writing Format

There's no such thing as an "accidental report writing format." However, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to write a report but don't have any specific instructions, there are some general tips you can follow.

________ Accident died _____ people
By a Staff Reporter

Ranaghat, August 22, 2022: A serious _____________ accident took place at __________ in _________ on ______ at about ____________. This accident occurred between a ____________ and a ___________ who were coming from opposite sides [side by side]. Suddenly they collided with each other for misunderstanding of the drivers. As a result, ___________ passengers died and ____________ were injured including __________ women and ___________ children. Among the wounded ________ were very serious. Local people rushed to the spot and immediately started the rescue operations. The injured were taken to the nearby _______ hospital. Finally, police came to the spot and took control of the situation. Among the wounded ______ were released after the first aid. The CM/local M.L.A showed great sympathy to the affected people and announced Rs.__________ for the kith and kin of the dead ones. "Investigation is going on but none arrested, the local police inspector said.

#2 Report writing format- Programme Report Writing Format

Programme reports are a vital part of any organization's evaluation and accountability process. They provide valuable information about the progress and effectiveness of programmes and can help to identify areas for improvement.

writing a good programme report can be a challenge, but there are some key things to keep in mind that will help to make the process easier. Here are a few tips:

_____________ day celebration
By a Staff Reporter

Ranaghat September 20, 2022: _______________ was celebrated yesterday in (write where the celebration is organized school / any place)  with great enthusiasm. The (school or place) was richly decorated with flowers., festoons, flags and pictures of the martyrs. The function began with the hoisting of the national flag by the (headmaster or leader) at 8 a.m. [This began with the prayer song sung by the students or members ]. (respectable person name) (occupation) of (organization name) presided over the function and MLA (local MLA name) was the chief guest. The purpose of this function was ______________. The (students of members) presented various programmes like drama, song, dance, recitation etc. There was a big crowd and great enthusiasm among the students/members. The Chief guest and our headmaster or leader gave a motivational speech about the role of youth. Finally, the programme ended at 4 p.m with giving prizes and sweet distribution among the students/members

#3 Report writing format- A Devastating Flood Report Writing Format

A devastating flood can leave a community struggling to recover for months or even years. If you're asked to write a report about the flood, there are some important details to include.
Start by giving some background information about the flood. When did it happen? What caused it? How did it affect the community?

Next, describe the damage that was done. What parts of the community were hit the hardest? How many homes were destroyed? How many people were left homeless?

Finally, talk about the recovery process. What aid did the community receive? What challenges did they face? How are they doing now?

Writing a thorough and accurate report on a devastating flood is important to work. By including all the key details, you can help others understand the true scope of the disaster and the strength of the community that was affected.

A Devastating Flood
By a Staff Reporter

Ranaghat, October 32, 2022: A devastating flood ravaged a vast area of _____________ on __________ due to heavy rainfall and the overflowing of the river. The worst affected areas were ______________. Thousands of people were affected and rendered homeless and helpless Houses, cattle and huge quantities of crops had been washed away. Electricity and telecommunication systems were damaged. A large area of the state became inaccessible. Many people have taken shelter on the high road and on boats. The government took various steps for relief work. Food, clothe and medicines were distributed among the victims. The army and many welfare societies were engaged in the rescue operation. The government has announced Rs _____________ for relief and rehabilitation work.

#4 Report writing format- A Daring Bank Dacoity Report Writing Format

It was a daring bank dacoity. The robbers came in the early morning hours, just as the bank was opening. They were armed with guns and knives, and they took the employees and customers hostage. The manager was forced to open the safe, and the robbers made off with the money. No one was hurt, but it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved.
If you were a witness to this crime, or if you were one of the hostages, you may be asked to write a report about what happened. Here are some tips on how to write a Daring Bank Dacoity Report:

1. Include all the relevant details. When writing your report, be sure to include all the important details about the robbery. When did it happen? What time of day? How many robbers were there? What did they look like? What kind of weapons did they have?
2. Describe the events chronologically. In your report, describe the events of the robbery.

A Daring Bank Dacoity
By a Staff Reporter

Ranaghat, December 4, 2022: A daring bank robbery took place in the _____________ at __________ in ___________ on ______________ at about ______________. A gang of robbers entered the bank as customers. Suddenly one of them requested the bank manager to talk to him personally. He took out a revolver from his bag which was on his back and threatened him. In the meanwhile other dacoits also threatened the cashier and all the rest. They looted Rs. 10000000 and left the place. While leaving the bank, they threw the tear gas into the air. Of this, the bank staff and other people could not notice them. Later the case was reported to the police and they shortly came to the spot. The investigation is going on but none arrested.

#5 Report writing format- Boat Capsized Report Writing Format

It is vital to know how to write a boat capsized report. This type of report is written when a boat overturns in the water and people are injured or killed. The report must be clear and concise so that investigators can understand what happened and why. Here are some tips on how to write a boat capsized report:

1. Include the date, time, and location of the accident.
2. Describe the weather conditions at the time of the accident.
3. List the names and ages of all the people on board the boat.
4. Describe how the accident happened.
5. Include any witness statements.
6. List the injuries and fatalities.
7. Describe the rescue efforts.
8. Include the names of the people who assisted in the rescue.
9. List the names of the people who were taken to the hospital.
10. Describe the condition of the boat.

Boat Capsized at _______________
By a Staff Reporter

Ranaghat, December 15, 2022: A serious boat capsized in the ____________ river at ___________ in ________ yesterday. At least ____________ passengers were reported drowned and ____________ were missing. __________ dead bodies including ___________ women and ____________ children were rescued by the local people. Luckily __________ passengers escaped death by swimming ashore. According to the source, the boat was carrying passengers beyond its capacity. Local people gathered ashore quickly and informed the police. And the police shortly came to the spot. Local people and divers immediately started a rescue operation and were able to save the lives of many people. The CM showed great sympathy for the victims. She ordered to investigate of the matter and announced Rs. _________ for the families of the victims

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Madhyamik Important Phrasal Verbs

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